Some screen readers for Windows cost thousands and are out of the reach of many people, especially for those in the community on low incomes and who do not have the opportunity of having gainful employment. The high cost of some software may prohibit people from accessing the computer and therefore having an equal footing in society.

By using the keyboard and for those with low vision the mouse, Non-Visual Desktop Access; (NVDA) may be the answer for you.

NVDA is a free and powerful tool that reads information on the screen and converts it to speech and Braille. You can quickly and easily navigate the web, edit documents, create emails, participate in social media and lots more just by learning the basics of this powerful and free tool.

For those who need more than just the basic program, NVDA has a community of developers developing plug-ins that further extend this program’s ability’s and functionality.


DATA Australasia offers NVDA training on a one on one basis or to people in small groups.

Contact our team to find out more.